Membership Benefits

Interested in finding out the many benefits of becoming a CABS member and the broad spectrum of individuals that we represent? Check us out and become a member! CABS-ACSB offers Canadian biosafety professionals, whether employed by public health organizations, clinical/pharmaceutical/medical industry, laboratories, university and research institutions, or other organizations that have an active interest in biological safety, an opportunity to participate in its activities and bring their voice and vision to this growing association.

Professional Development

CABS-ACSB is currently involved in many initiatives such as participating and collaborating with other biosafety related groups to form a national voice for Biosafety professionals in Canada, helping in the development of training initiatives and professional development opportunities, such as the RBSO program, and development of the Certified Biosafety Professional program in collaboration with Canadian College of Microbiologists (CCM).


CABS-ACSB organizes the annual Canadian Biosafety Symposium, which features presentations on an array of biosafety topics, and provides a unique opportunity for the biosafety community to learn and share knowledge with colleagues from across Canada and other countries. Pre-symposium conferences are offered and provide training opportunities on various biosafety related subjects. During the symposium, CABS-ASCB hosts the annual general meeting, which offers an opportunity for members to speak out about any concerns, ideas, or feedback related to the Biosafety field.

CABS-ACSB provides free expert-based webinars to members throughout the year on various biosafety/biosecurity related topics.

Members also get involved with CABS-ACSB by partaking in several working and task groups that have been established to advise the association on specific working areas within the biosafety framework, and to undertake tasks required by the Executive.

Be sociable with CABS-ACSB - follow Us, Like Us & Tweet Us! Stay informed of latest Biosafety news and events everywhere! Being sociable provides networking opportunities that help establish online biosafety-related communities and discussions.

Biosafety Officer Registration

The Canadian Association for Biological Safety (CABS-ACSB) Executive launched the Biosafety Officer Registration program in 2018.

The intent is to register professionals working in biosafety in Canada based on four criteria.

1. Formal education;
2. Professional development training;
3. Years of experience; and
4. Scope of experience.

For more information regarding the Biosafety Registration program, please go to: BSO Registration

Nominations and Elections

CABS-ACSB executive is the voice for making the critical decisions needed to keep the association strong and highly relevant in our ever-changing field. We are all responsible for ensuring we select members who will keep CABS-ACSB in the forefront of biosafety and help build a solid future.

In 2025, there are no executive positions that need to be filled.

If you wish to be an executive member when a position becomes open, please email us. The responsibilities of each position will be posted in detail in the CABS-ACSB Bylaws under About Us.

The responsibilities of each position will be posted in detail in the CABS-ACSB Bylaws under About Us.

Getting Involved

Become involved! We are looking for volunteers help improve and move the Biosafety profession forward within Canada and help achieve CABS-ACSB mission and goals. CABS-ACSB would like to initiate several working groups in order to:

  • Help provide expertise in the development of the Canadian Biosafety Certification exam;
  • Help in biosafety training development from a Canadian perspective;
  • Help with membership engagement;
  • Help provide topics for future webinars;
  • Become a member of the Registered Biological Safety Officer subcommittee; and
  • Much more!

If you are interested in joining one of the Working or Task Groups, please contact us! Help make CABS-ACSB strong; we are only strong as our membership!


If you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns, please feel free to contact CABS-ACSB through email, or through any of our social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Linked-In.

Join CABS-ACSB today and have voice!