Link Resources


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Links to websites not under the control of the CABS-ACSB are provided solely for the convenience of users, and the CABS-ACSB is not responsible for the content of any other website. CABS-ACSB does not endorse, promote, review, or warrant the accuracy of the products and services offered by those external parties who link to the CABS-ACSB website.

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Biosafety Articles

Biosafety Training Videos

Canadian Regulators




Canadian Regulations, Standards, and Guidelines

Canadian Biosafety Directives and Advisory

International: Guidelines and Standards




Other Affiliated Biological Safety Associations

Importation Permits

Public Health Agency of Canada

Canadian Food Inspection Agency


Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada

Risk Assessment Resources

PHAC Biosafety Directives, Advisories, and Notifications

Biosafety Training

Canadian Training Opportunities: Check out the events section of the CABS-ACSB website.

Viral Vectors and/or Recombinant Viruses

Adeno-associated Viruses

Molecular Biosafety of Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus: Found in the Upload File section in Members Services area.

Lentiviruses and Retroviral Vectors

Vaccinia Viruses

Recombinant Vectors

Study on the Shedding of Recombinant Virus in Mice: Found in the Upload File section in Members Services area.

Bloodborne Pathogens

Zoonotic Diseases


Autoclave Efficacy Testing Procedure by University of BC: Found in the Upload File section in Members Services area.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Donning and Doffing PPE Poster by University of BC: Found in the Upload File section in Members Services area.

Animal Work/Research

Animal Containment Level Matrix by University of BC: Found in the Upload File section in Members Services area.

Aquatic Pathogen Containment

Emergency Response Plans

University of Saskatchewan – Emergency response Plan Template: Found in the Upload File section in Members Services area.

Spill Clean-up

Transportation of Biological Materials

University of Saskatchewan – Standard Packing Procedures for Shipping Biological Substances : Found in the Upload File section in Members Services area.
