Registered Biological Safety Officer Designation

In 2018, the Canadian Association for Biological Safety (CABS-ACSB) launched the Registration for Biological Safety Officers program! CABS-ACSB is offering a Registered Biological Safety Officer designation (RBSO) program to recognize biological safety professionals in Canada.

CABS-ACSB intent is to register professionals working in biosafety in Canada based on four criteria.

  • Formal education;
  • Professional development training;
  • Years of experience; and
  • Scope of experience.

By validating the credentials of an applicant, CABS-ACSB creates a brand new recognition program for biosafety officers in Canada. With a uniform set of assessment criteria, registered BSO’s represent a known set of credentials to current and future employers. Registered BSO’s are required to adhere to an established code of conduct, which will further assure clients and employers that a Canadian registered BSO will work to the highest standards in the biosafety field. The additional benefit of CABS-ACSB BSO registration is that our marketing and increasing visibility in the field and industry will work to improve the opportunities available to members. This registration initiative provides a basis for future certification of BSO’s in Canada, who have completed both an appropriate program of study and a certification exam to establish competency. Also, if you are planning to progress your professional experiences and development in the field of biosafety, the Registered BSO would be a requirement in order to apply for the College of Canadian Microbiologists (CCM)’s Specialist Microbiology (SCCM) Biosafety Officer Certification designation.

RBSO Criteria and Application Process

The Registered Biological Safety Officers (RBSO) program is based on submitting an application, which is reviewed and approved by the Registration Committee. Refer to the CABS-ACSB RBSO Standard Guide for details regarding the CABS-ACSB BSO Registration program, including application, maintenance, and renewal process.

To submit an application to the Registration Committee, download the following RBSO application RBSO Application form and submit your completed application by email to CABS-ACSB, or send it to:

Tom Walus, Chair of the RBSO Sub-committee,
PO Box 47054 Marion PO
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R2H 3G9

All RBSO applicants will submit a $50.00 CAD RBSO administrative fee upon submitting their application. If accepted by the Registration Committee, the RBSO application will receive a certificate to be an RBSO in good standing for that calendar year and use the designation of RBSO. The following year, RBSOs will be asked to provide a fee of $100.00 CAD, which will maintain their RBSO status for 3 years. At the end of the three-year period, RBSO applicants will be asked to submit a new application to be reviewed by the Registration Committee and the $50 RBSO administrative fee will apply. All current RBSOs and applicants will be required to be a member of good standing of CABS-ACSB, with our membership renewals in January. RBSOs will be asked to demonstrate their continuing education efforts by providing tools, training and online sessions attended.

Certified Biological Safety Officers (CBSO)

Currently, CABS-ACSB and the College of Canadian Microbiologists (CCM) are working together to develop the Biological Safety Officer Certification designation. The CABS-ACSB Registered BSO designation and current membership status would be a requirement to apply for the CCM’s Specialist Microbiology (SCCM) Biological Safety Officer (BSO) Certification designation.

Both associations are in the final stages of setting up this certification program and development of the program outline and guide.

Currently, CABS-ACSB established a committee to start the development of the examination questions, which would be proctored through CCM.

When both the program of study and the competency exam are established and finalized, CABS-ACSB will roll out future initiatives to certify BSO’s with CCM. The CABS-ACSB executive team will keep you advised as this initiative develops in the coming months.